Looking for a kit or part? Try the Carburetor Factory!

Order Carburetor Parts and Kits

We carry a large inventory of kits, (including many for older cars), and many parts of the kits we carry are available in open stock for individual purchase. We carry most pieces of linkages, choke pull-offs, dash pots, mixture solenoids, throttle position sensors, idle solenoids, cams, choke thermostats, hardware; and the tops, bodies, bowls, and bases of the carburetors themselves. If you need to identify your carburetor, try looking through our Illustration Pages.

Make your selection below for ordering a rebuilding kit, float, choke pull-off, or choke thermostat. If the vehicle you are interested in is not listed, please give us a call at 916-723-2272 or fill out our request form.

When ordering, especially for kits*, it is always best to use the ID number off your carb and use the OEM cross reference pages. This will always insure the proper kit. Floats, choke pull-offs, and choke thermostats can be ordered by using the OEM cross reference pages.

* Opened kits are non-returnable


OEM Cross-Reference for -
Kits, Floats, Choke Pull-Offs & Thermostats:

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The Carburetor Factory
2931 Hillwood Rd.
Valley Springs, CA 95252
Phone: (916)723-2272 Fax: (916)723-2281
© 2025